Ice Age:Collision Course冰川时代5:星际碰撞

日期:2019.12.16 阅读数:18




【关键词】 中国电影资料馆;类型片;前期筹备;开机时间;冬雨;梁家辉;岩代太郎;佟大为;镜头语言;北京电影学院






Ice Age:Collision Course冰川时代5:星际碰撞

Ice Age:Collision Course冰川时代5:星际碰撞

About 20,000 years ago,the world(世界)is very cold.Ice covers(覆盖)many areas.Animals(动物)try to find a warm place to live(居住).This is when the stories of Ice Age family happen.

The squirrel(松鼠)Scrat is always crazy(疯狂的)about burying(埋)his acorn(松果).But this time,he goes into space(太空)and makes a big mistake(错误).

At the same time(同时),Manny the mammoth(猛犸象)is worried(担心的)about her daughter Peaches.She’s going to get married(结婚).Sid the sloth(树懒)finds a girlfriend.But they have lots of troubles(麻烦).

What will happen to Earth?Will everyone have a happy ending(结局)?You can find out the answer in the movie Ice Age:Collision Course(《冰川时代5:星际碰撞》).
