Temporal variations of Nam Co Lake water level and glacier mass-balance changes on the western Nyainqentanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau, using ICESat altimetry data over 2003-2009

日期:2019.12.23 阅读数:6

【作者】Hongbo WU,Ninglian WANG,Zhongming GUO,Yuwei WU

【关键词】 中国电影资料馆;类型片;前期筹备;开机时间;冬雨;梁家辉;岩代太郎;佟大为;镜头语言;北京电影学院







【摘要】Temporal variations of Nam Co Lake water level and glacier mass-balance changes on the western Nyainqentanglha Range, Tibetan Plateau, using ICESat altimetry data over 2003-2009

