
日期:2019.12.25 阅读数:42





【关键词】 东北地区;旧石器时代;古人类;古文化;古环境






【摘要】东北地区出土的旧石器时代人类化石、文化遗物和动物化石材料十分丰富.研究结果表明,早在中更新世时期人类就已居住在中国东北的南部地区,到了晚更新世已基本遍布东北各地,中国东北很可能是古人类及其文化向东北亚地区分布和传播的必经之路.东北地区的旧石器文化分属于早、中、晚三个不同的时期.自身特点鲜明,依制作工艺可区分为大石器、小石器、细石器三个不同的工业类型.东北地区的旧石器时代环境几经变迁,古气候出现了温暖湿润、寒冷干燥、温凉湿润、寒冷干燥四个不同阶段,相应产生的森林植被景观是森林-森林草原、干旱或半干旱草原、疏林草原和森林草原.The material of human fossil, culture relic and zoolite in the Old Stone Age, which are excavated in the Northeast of China, are very abundant. The result of study indicates the Northeast of China may be the only way that ancient human and its culture were distributed and traveled to the Northeast Asian Area. The culture of the Old Stone Age in the Northeast Area can be divided into three different periods, early period, middle period and late period, their characteristics are very distinctive. The environment of the Old Stone Age in the Northeast Area passed through four different stages.
